Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is Music Piracy Illegal?

Copyright is a legal right that guard’s creative works from being duplicated, performed, or distributed without permission of the copyright owner.
Music Copyright is the limited rights approved to protect creative work of a music artist or record label, from being duplicated, performed and distributed without permission of the copyright owner. These rights can be licensed, transferred or assigned from one entity to another, while online music File-sharing is the practice of networking and distributing or providing access to digitally stored files online with the purpose of granting access to the public, also termed piracy by U.S copyright law copyright legislation. 
In today’s society piracy is considered as a form of theft, but however most people that download and listen to music have conveniently made it a life style to use one the popular file-sharing mediums, such as lime-wire, utorrent, Vuze etc to source for their latest/favorite song online. The question is, is downloading file (songs, video, software etc) from the file sharing site an act Piracy?
According to Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the answer is simply “Yes” because music is an intellectual property of the owner/artist., Posting or copying unauthorized sound files infringes someone else’s copyright, you might buy the disc in store or the file online, but technically you only own that disc or the digital file, but not the right to make copies or share it online.  You don’t own the song or the right to share it, the right lies with only the entity or organization that has the legal rights on
Piracy is one of the biggest problems faced by the entertainment and software industries, and therefore piracy most often involves violations of copyright law. As the entertainment and software industries suffer from the negative effect of piracy, the piracy industry grows bigger and bigger by the day, today the piracy industry has grown to be a multi-billion dollar industries.
Several legislators have made efforts in order to prevent the act of piracy across the globe, because it hurts the working people in recording industry & retail music trade entertainment industry and the local songwriters & artists. Most critically it erodes the entertainment industry’s profit.
 File sharing is also critical sector of the piracy; according to BBC news In the UK “the IFPI said it was supportive of the proposed Digital Economy Bill, which includes legislation to cut off persistent illegal file sharers”. As long as file sharing is still in existence piracy will still be alive and and growing, this is because the end users of this file sharing sites are already reluctant and possessed  by the free access to all the media files they desire. They feel lazy to go out and get CDs because they feel it cost too much and they only have few good songs. As a result of the effort immersed by RRAR to monitor file-sharing sites, they were successful in shutting down lime-wire one of the biggest file sharing sites in united state The legislator have made effort to monitor the file-sharing site, and was successfully in shutting down one of the biggest file sharing site (Lime Wire) in US, due to the firm plans to launch new services that adhere to copyright laws soon
In conclusion file sharing sites vastly affect the effectiveness of entertainment industries, and affect the local artists however it sometimes benefits some of the well established musicians, because the free access to their music creates a vast popularity and grows the number of their fans, which benefits them when it.

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